

文章來源:中國石化碳交易網2021-10-22 10:42

  澳大利亞的Keynumbers和Energy Flux服務計算出,在實際使用情況下,目前制造綠色氫氣的平均成本約為每公斤4.18歐元。相比之下,根據他們在通訊中公布的計算結果,目前灰色氫氣每公斤售價為6.55歐元,藍色氫氣每公斤價格為6.21歐元。
  朱佳妮 摘譯自 烴加工新聞
  European green hydrogen production is cheaper than blue and grey
  The high price of natural gas and carbon have made it so H2 produced with renewable energy is more affordable.
  As CO2 prices reach record levels and the price of natural gas continues to rise, green hydrogen production has become cheaper in Europe than blue and grey forms of H2.
  New calculations have shown that it’s cheaper to capture and store the emissions than to release it.
  While the expense associated with causing CO2 air pollution has never been higher, the price of natural gas has reached the point that using renewable energy for green hydrogen production is a comparatively affordable option.
  The EU carbon price at a record €60 per tonne (USD$69) makes it so that grey H2 made using natural gas without any carbon capture would be substantially more expensive to make than blue H2, which is also made with natural gas, but that uses carbon capture and storage to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. That said, there has yet to be any blue H2 made in Europe.
  Keynumbers and the Energy Flux services in Australia calculated that under real use circumstances, the levelized cost of making green H2 would currently be about €4.18 per kilogram. Comparatively, it would currently cost €6.55 per kilogram for grey H2 and €6.21 per kilogram for blue H2, according to the calculations they published in their newsletter.


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